I am getting on the next flight to Alaska. Pronto.

I don't know what kind of spider this is but I am pretty sure it is the spider I saw sticking out of the thermostat on Sunday in the bathroom. I thought it was dead and I was in a hurry and I couldn't find Kendall ('cause there's no way I was going to go near it) and I forgot about it in the excitement of going to Jack and Wanita's ward for Keith's blessing. Anyways, I went in the kitchen tonight and there it was. EWWWWW I hate hate hate spiders.

We drove to Idaho Falls Saturday, and this is what I saw in my mirror:

Yes, that's our bumper hanging off our car.

While I was washing our sheets and blankets, Mady decided to learn how to jump on the bed:

Oh and we went to the ped for her weight check, and she's 20.5 lbs!! :) and I'm sure she has grown because she can reach the countertops in the kitchen and touch the door handles throughout the house. She started saying 'Hi', 'shoe' (more like shshsh) last week. She is obsessed with her shoes. The first thing she does when she wakes up is ask for her shoes, or go find them and bring them to me :)
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