Some of these are from a 2 day conference in Anchorage... it was awesome. Jill (Blonde hair) was my roomie :) and Amy (Dark curly hair) I work with a lot because we are the screening & assessment team.
Amanda is the director... best boss ever.
Amy & Kerri...
Our "view" that was supposedly so great.. ick.
Birthday lunch at St. Elias...
I work with a small (10) group of woman. I have to admit, I was worried about working in an office full of woman... but the dynamics of this group are AMAZING. They are so caring and professional and.. just lovely. I am working in the Family Services department at Frontier Community Services. The Family Services Department houses the Early Intervention / Infant Learning Program and the FASD clinic (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder). In the Infant Learning Program we work with little ones birth to three years of age and their families.
I am learning SO MUCH! It is a fabulous fit for me, and I am happy to go to work each day! (well.. ok... maybe I don't love the dirty homes so much... but...I haven't sat in cat pee yet like one of my coworkers did the other day)
That sounds so great! Social work is the best