Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Speaking of work...

I love my job!
Some of these are from a 2 day conference in Anchorage... it was awesome.  Jill (Blonde hair) was my roomie :) and Amy (Dark curly hair) I work with a lot because we are the screening & assessment team.

Amanda is the director... best boss ever.

Amy & Kerri... 

Our "view" that was supposedly so great.. ick.

Birthday lunch at St. Elias...


I work with a small (10) group of woman.  I have to admit, I was worried about working in an office full of woman... but the dynamics of this group are AMAZING.  They are so caring and professional and.. just lovely.  I am working in the Family Services department at Frontier Community Services.  The Family Services Department houses the Early Intervention / Infant Learning Program and the FASD clinic (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder).  In the Infant Learning Program we work with little ones birth to three years of age and their families.

I am learning SO MUCH! It is a fabulous fit for me, and I am happy to go to work each day!  (well.. ok... maybe I don't love the dirty homes so much... but...I haven't sat in cat pee yet like one of my coworkers did the other day)

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